Summer Classes


2021  Update: I am currently not sure if I will be running in person summer camps or not.

My mission is to give girls a safe space to be themselves, guide self-discovery, and connect with others through discussion, play and creativity.

Possible Online Summer Group 2021   Click here to be notified of more information

For ages 12-17

  • It is small. I cap enrollment to 10-12 girls.
  • The focus is on girl related issues such as stress, isolation, self-image, comparison, and jealousy as well as timely issues as the pandemic, racism, etc.
  • We may play games such as improv games that help kids get out of their head and laugh
  • We do experiential activities that help the girls see that we all have similar struggles
  • Content is specific to the needs of the group. We may talk about social media, self-confidence, healthy ways to deal with emotions
  • We use art materials to express and process emotions
  • We create a community by getting to know each other and uplifting each other
  • The girls learn a lot from each other and connect at a deep level

If you want to be added to a waitinglist click here and I’ll notify you if I start another group.

Benefits for your daughter:

Be more true to themselves in their friendships
Spend less time worrying
Develop a stronger sense of who they are
Feel like they are not alone or don’t fit in
Develop the awareness and power to override the negative voices in their head
Trust their inner voice in making decisions and speak up
Form stronger boundaries that honor themselves and their friendships
Learn compassion towards others and themselves
Challenge themselves to take positive risks

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